Fertility Acupuncture South Auckland

Are you looking for an effective infertility treatment in New Zealand?
Traditional Chinese Fertility Acupuncture Treatment in Auckland
AcuPhysioHealth can help. We use Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to increase your chances of having a baby.
A Traditional Approach
Modern science offers innovative solutions to infertility, but you can’t underestimate the power of old methods. In fact, many reproductive specialists today look at TCM as an effective alternative to or a complementary option for advanced treatments like in vitro fertilization (IVF).
A range of treatment options, including acupuncture and Chinese herbs, has been helping families conceive for centuries. You too can reap the benefits of a natural alternative solution to infertility. Come to our clinic for an initial consultation with one of our TCM practitioners.
What TCM Can Do
As a traditional approach, TCM offers many benefits people with fertility issues can enjoy. Studies suggest that acupuncture combined with the use of Chinese herbs can help:
Improve reproductive health, resulting in better egg and sperm quality
Increase IVF success rate
Reduce the risks of miscarriage
Alleviate the stress associated with infertility
Improve health and body functions
Enhance fertility
Helping People Achieve Conception
We understand how much you want to build a happy family. That is possible if your body is capable of producing healthy eggs or sperms, and conceiving. At AcuPhysioHealth, we will help you achieve conception through a natural, holistic approach to infertility treatment.